Your practices such as Mindfulness, Breathing, Yoga and Massage do not have to be kept 'at home'!
In recent times companies are becoming aware of the positive impact that looking after their employee's well-being has on their happiness at work and therefore their productivity.
We can provide bespoke packages for companies providing Live Workshops, Presentations, Well-Being Days or Zoom sessions in the following;
Introduction to Mindfulness
Yoga & Chair Yoga
Breathing Practices
Mindfulness Prescriptions for the Workplace
Massage & Reiki
Our Instructors and Therapists are skilled and passionate about their practices and know they work at work!
We have combined industry experience including Retail, Hospitality, IT, Recruitment, Education, Music, Media Production and Communications.
Recently we have worked with a chain of nursery school settings via zoom, been guest speakers at a quarterly review meeting for a firm of Financial Advisors and delivered a full well-being day for a national women & children's charity.
Please contact us so we can help provide package to look after the people in your workplace.